The Strong[HER] Way | Fitness, nutrition, habits, and routines for working moms

How to improve your health and know what to eat for your body using intuitive nutrition and biofeedback

Alisha Carlson Episode 192

Hey friend!

Ever find yourself confused by all the science and info out there about what, how , and how much to eat for you and your goals?

I can almost guarantee that you will find research supporting BOTH sides of an argument.

Which is why I'm sharing with you how I coach my clients to sift through the noise and make the best food choices for their bodies...because food is that individual.

And, just because it worked for your friend, sister, or auntie...doesn't necessarily mean it will work for you too.

This is why I am all about empowering my clients to take back their power in this area, learn how to trust themselves around food again, and make confident food choices that fit their lifestyle AND support their goals.

Here are the books I referenced in this episode:
Why We Get Sick

Do you know you do best with some accountability? Want help sifting through all the information out there and have someone in your corner helping you figure out exactly what the best/ right food is for you?

Book your complimentary consult here!