The Strong[HER] Way | Fitness, nutrition, habits, and routines for working moms

Change your bad habits using James Clear's 4 laws of behavior change (my notes on his masterclass)

Alisha Carlson Episode 191

Hey Friend, 

Believe it or not there is a science to human behavior. 

Welcome back for another episode of The Strong(HER) Way!

Today I am sharing with you my notes and highlights of James Clear's Habit Masterclass. I read Atomic Habits a couple years ago, so this was a great refresher. I give you just the highlights (so highly recommend the entire book if you've not yet listened/ read it. )

I not only share with you my key takeaways but also his frame work The 4 Laws of Behavior Change to change your bad habits. 

I love how simple, clear, easy, and doable he makes it. And, I'm hoping this breaks it down for you even more.

If you feel like you've been in the constant struggle of starting and stopping or finding you're in a constant tug of war with yourself then this is the episode for you!

And, if you've been listening for a while and know you want help in this area, I'm your girl. You can email to get more information about the holistic non-diet approach I use with my clients to help them create long-term lasting change to their health/ fitness, and over all lifestyle.