The Strong[HER] Way | Fitness, nutrition, habits, and routines for working moms

How to cultivate self acceptance for greater motivation and consistency

Alisha Carlson Episode 189

Hey friend!

This week on the show, we are talking about the importance of cultivating self acceptance to help you stay the course on your health and fitness journey.

if you're like the  me 5 years ago, maybe you tend to be really hard on yourself. Beating yourself up and putting super high (dare I say unrealistic expectaions) on yourself. 

You know this isn't sustainable. It's not even enjoyable--but, maybe it's the only way you know,

If you're honest with yourself, it can feel a little scary to think about not being so hard on yourself because you don't want to be lazy or give up. 

Buuut, the reality is you're probably already doing that on some level. Because NObody wants to do their best work out of fear or harshness or punishment. 

We do much better work for a much longer time when it is coming from a place of love, respect, and acceptance. 

So, if you're a high achiever, driven, and ambitious plus you've got some fitness goals you are working toward, this episode is just for you!

Ready to start winning with food? Take better care of your body? Without the constant stress and drama that comes with dieting and the typical approach to fitness? 

Book a free call here