The Strong[HER] Way | Fitness, nutrition, habits, and routines for working moms

Overcome weekend eating habits that are getting in the way of your fitness goals

Alisha Carlson Episode 186

Hey friend!

Do you often find yourself going a little crazy on the weekends?

Maybe you can be 'good' throughout the week, but the weekend hits, and it's like all bets are off.

This used to be me. I would eat so good all week long, but by the end of the day and pretty much every weekend, it was like a monster took over and I'd just go nuts.

Then, I'd beat myself up, feel pretty crappy, and swear I'd never do it again...

we all know how that goes, right?

It wasn't until I finally learned how to ease up a bit on the will power and pressure I was using to make my food choices, that I was actually able to make better choices more consistently and NO crazy weekend eating episodes.

If you want to learn how I did it (and am no helping other women do the same) this episode is for you!

And, if you're ready to finally ditch the diet, feel good in your body while working on your fitness goals, I got you!

1. book a call
2. grab your personalized plan (on that call)
3. work with me 1:1 to stay on track and accountable to your goals

Be sure to share this episode and subscribe so you never miss an episode!