The Strong[HER] Way | Fitness, nutrition, habits, and routines for working moms

My hot take on tracking calories, macros, and your steps

Alisha Carlson Episode 167

Hey Friend!
Welcome back to another episode of the show. This week I am sharing with you my hot take on tracking food, steps, and your daily exercise minutes.

Tracking can either be used as a weapon against ourselves OR we can use it as a tool to help us move more consistently toward our goals and daily targets.

If you've tried every diet in the past, chances are you're feeling a bit gun shy and even burned out on tracking.

I get it!

It took me some time to get to the place where I can track without it taking over my life or causing me to spin out.

I share some of my best practices in this episode to help take the pressure off having to do it perfectly while still creating results.

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