The Strong[HER] Way | non diet approach, mindset coaching, lifestyle advice

The importance of thinking on purpose: your thoughts about you (MVP)

September 18, 2023 Alisha Carlson Episode 165
The Strong[HER] Way | non diet approach, mindset coaching, lifestyle advice
The importance of thinking on purpose: your thoughts about you (MVP)
Show Notes

Have you ever stopped to notice what you're actually thinking and saying about yourself to yourself? 

This was a foreign concept for me for years. I had no idea that the crummy thoughts I had about myself, and the even crummier story I was telling myself was *optional*.

I would recite that story over and over like it was the truth. Ironically, this led to me engaging in behaviors and habits which only reinforced the negative self-concept I had.

Once I learned the power of our mind and our thinking over our lives, things began to change for me in my life.

I began to show up differently in my marriage, my family, social interactions. I started putting myself out there for even bigger risks and goals.

We think the way we feel in and about our lives, marriages, kids, bodies, etc is a result of those things--so we wish, and hope and work to make those life circumstances different.

Instead, its' merely the story we tell over and over and over again. If we change the story, we change the way we show up, our experiences of those things, and ultimately our results and our lives.

Ready to ditch the diet? Feel better in your body? Find a balance between taking care of everyone else and yourself?

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