The Strong[HER] Way | Fitness, nutrition, habits, and routines for working moms

How to capitalize on the growth mindset to reach your fitness goals faster

Alisha Carlson Episode 164

Hey friend, in today's episode, we are talking about the differences between the growth and the fixed mindset, how they show up around your health/ fitness goals. Why developing a growth mindset is the way to go, and ultimately how to capitalize on the growth mindset to reach your fitness (and any other) goals you've got for yourself.

The growth mindset is woven throughout the work I do with my clients. But, we've never done a podcast directly calling out what each looks like.

If you want to learn more about the fixed vs growth mindset, you can buy Mindset by Carol Dweck

And, if you want the cliff notes version, check out this video.

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Tired of dieting, of feeling like you're constantly starting over?
Want to feel more confident in your body while knowing you are taking care of the key areas to you?

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